Phase 5: Data Sonification

profile photo of Sandra Pauletto

  LXDII has moved into a new phase of research with its partner: the Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion (CASE), London School of Economics. Dr Tania Burchardt and Dr Bert Provan are sharing their research on the different dimensions of social disadvantage, particularly from longitudinal and neighbourhood perspectives, as well as impacts on public … Continued

Developing Vocabularies

LxDIIโ€™s work on listening protocols and vocabularies have interlinked with each research phase. Rather than separate the two topics we are working through the possibilities that a protocol has both direct and implied vocabularies embedded in its construction. In generating vocabularies we do not want to produce a conventional glossary of words from a narrow … Continued

Sonic Pedagogy working group

A person in a blurry image. The light blurring makes the image look energised in an unusual way.

LxDII hosted a study group to investigate the emerging field of sonic pedagogy. Working with a range of international scholars and practitioners, it was split across three iterative sessions. Its aims were to: -explore what sonic pedagogy is or can be: attempting to find its histories and contemporary points of contact, and relating those to … Continued

Making-of: Reflections on Broadcast Editing

Three green post-it notes reading keep the bumps and knocks, no x-fades just jump straight in, and dialogue as atmos score

Listening Across Disciplines: Auditory Practices Across Arts, Science and Technology was a series of six broadcasts aired on Resonance 104.4fm across October and November, 2020. The work presents listening as a professional practice, diagnostic strategy and investigative method in the fields of health science, auscultation, speech synthesis, anthropology, urban planning, and sound arts. Each episode … Continued

Listening with Hannah Semeraro

During the Covid-19 pandemic we are asking project partners how their lives and research has been affected. In this post, Audiologist Dr Hannah Semeraro responds to 3 questions about listening tests, data collection and future impacts. Hannah is a Lecturer in Audiology within Engineering and Physical Sciences at the University of Southampton. She teaches on … Continued