Protocols and Vocabularies with Trond Maag

LxDII has been working steadily on strands of the project relating to listening vocabularies and protocols. During the first phase of the project, which ran as a network between 2015 and 2016, and led up to Listening Across Disciplines II, the team identified a distinct need for shared vocabularies of listening. During the initial networking … Continued

Developing Vocabularies

LxDII’s work on listening protocols and vocabularies have interlinked with each research phase. Rather than separate the two topics we are working through the possibilities that a protocol has both direct and implied vocabularies embedded in its construction. In generating vocabularies we do not want to produce a conventional glossary of words from a narrow … Continued

CRiSAP Soirée on Protocols

On Wednesday 22nd of April, LxDII hosted a lively online soirée on Zoom with members of CRiSAP (Creative Research into Sound Arts Practice) exploring our work on listening protocols. The aim of the session was to introduce the work on protocols done to date, and to explore and discuss how participants listen in their own … Continued

Care-ful Listening

During our recent Points of Listening public event held at the De La Warr Pavilion we conducted participatory experiments in care-ful listening. Through the workshop process we created collaborative manifestos, guidelines, protocols and imaginations of listening that help us to tune in and take care, to hear the inaudible and that which does not fit … Continued

Synthetic Voices and Protocols Workshop

What constitutes a socially responsible synthetic voice? Salomé Voegelin and Mark Peter Wright recently led a workshop with our project partner Prof. Simon King at The Centre for Speech Technology Research, University of Edinburgh. ‘Umms and ahhs: intelligibility and naturalness across disciplines’ explored notions of intelligibility and naturalness as they are practiced between speech synthesis … Continued