Designing a Sonic Planet #2

The second iteration of Designing a Sonic Planet took place on Saturday 22 October at IKLECTIK in London. Once again, we brought together a group of researchers, artists, students, scientists and people who are invested in contemporary global challenges and interested in thinking through the sonic. They were invited to workshop a sense of what … Continued

Designing a Sonic Planet #1

  To celebrate the end of a fantastic 3.5 years of researching together as Listening across Disciplines II, we staged a new beginning. On Saturday October 1st we brought together a group of researchers, artists, students, scientists and people who are generally and professionally invested in contemporary global challenges and/or the sonic. They were invited … Continued

Platform for Listening Protocols and Vocabularies

A significant part of LxDII’s work has been the development of listening protocols and vocabularies. These two interlinked aspects of the research project have now been brought together on an interactive digital platform created by our partner Finetuned. Through the different phases, the project has positioned listening as an emerging investigative approach that is able to access new information … Continued

Phase 5: Data Sonification

profile photo of Sandra Pauletto

  LXDII has moved into a new phase of research with its partner: the Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion (CASE), London School of Economics. Dr Tania Burchardt and Dr Bert Provan are sharing their research on the different dimensions of social disadvantage, particularly from longitudinal and neighbourhood perspectives, as well as impacts on public … Continued